We're aware of a technical issue affecting the current incidents map. Information may not be current at this time. Significant incidents will be published in the Latest Updates section of this website below the map, and on Facebook, X, and via local media.
In a life threatening emergency dial Triple Zero (000)
A private landholder will today, Sunday 30 September 2012, conduct a hazard reduction burn of grassland on the property of "Gibraltar View", Tidbinbilla Road, Tharwa,...
A private landholder will today, Sunday 30 September 2012, conduct a hazard reduction burn of grassland on the property "Glencoe" Top Naas Road, Tharwa from 3:20pm.
The ACT Rural Fire Service (ACTRFS) will today, Sunday 30 September, 2012, assist two private landholders with two hazard reduction burns, weather permitting.
The ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) has received a total of 17 calls for help since 10 o'clock today following the wet and windy weather.
ACTSES volunteers, ACT...
The ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) has received a total of 11 calls for help since 10 o'clock today following the wet and windy weather.
ACTSES volunteers, ACT...
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Severe Weather Warning for the ACT for widespread rain and damaging winds this afternoon and tonight.
The ACT State Emergency...
The ACT Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS) will tomorrow, Thursday 27 September 2012, conduct a controlled burn, weather permitting, in land adjacent to...
ACT Fire & Rescue has extinguished a fire from an outdoor BBQ gas cylinder in the back yard of a house on Booroondara Street, Reid.
Damage to BBQ and gas cylinder...
ACT Fire & Rescue has departed the scene.
Occupants have been permitted to return to building.
Smell was caused from cleaning products used during routine...