Contact Us

Contact Us

In a life threatening emergency, at any time, day or night, you should dial Emergency Triple Zero (000) for Police, Fire or Ambulance.

If you need assistance for flood and storm, contact the ACTSES on 13 25 00. Please do not request assistance through this page.


To provide feedback to ACT Ambulance Service, please visit Ambulance Feedback page.


If you would like to use an ACT Fire & Rescue Community Room for your next meeting please complete the Community Room request form.

Please note – this form is monitored during business hours only

Type of feedback?
Which service are you writing about?


For general inquiries

Phone: 13 22 81


Please note – this email is monitored during business hours only.

For Non Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPT), dial (02) 6200 4126 

Non Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPT) bookings
(02) 6200 4126 (Booking requires authorisation from a medical officer)

For Non Emergency ACT Fire & Rescue, dial (02) 6207 8645

The ACT Fire and Rescue Admin Officer can be contacted business hours on (02) 6205 2927 or by email:

The ACT Fire and Rescue Fire Safety and Building Inspections can be contacted business hours on (02) 6207 8370 or by email:

For Non Emergency ACT Rural Fire Service office, dial (02) 6207 8609

For administration enquiries please contact the ACT Rural Fire Service office on: (02) 6207 8609

For Non Emergency ACT State Emergency Service, dial 13 22 81

For Non Emergency ACT State Emergency Service, dial 13 22 81

Deaf and hearing impaired

People who are deaf of have impaired hearing may be more susceptible to the impacts of storms. It is important to care for and assist all people to be prepared for, respond to and recover from storms.

Identifying a support person or carer who can assist with planning for and response to storms can greatly increase the resilience of people who are deaf or have impaired hearing to recover faster from them.

If you care for a person who is deaf or has impaired hearing, they may need assistance in planning for storms as well as putting that plan into action when storms occur.

Some considerations:

  • Help set up a support tree to contact people with limited or no hearing (by visiting them) when a Severe Thunderstorm Warning or Severe Weather Warning has been issued;
  • Utilise a care or support person to develop an emergency plan that suits your situation; and
  • StormSafe information on what to do before, during and after a storm is relevant for people who are deaf or have impaired hearing. A support person can run through the advice and tips for these areas with the person and assist in preparing, responding and recovering from storms.