ACT State Emergency Service

Volunteering is open to everyone with opportunities to suit individual needs and capabilities

ACT State Emergency Service

About Us

The ACTSES is proud to have over 360 dedicated volunteers from diverse backgrounds and professions – volunteering across 7 units around the ACT.

Volunteering with ACTSES is open to anyone passionate about making a difference in their community. Whether you're interested in hands-on operational roles or prefer supporting behind the scenes, there's a place for you. Our flexible approach ensures that everyone can find a role that suits their interests and skills.

  • Field Operations Members – engage in storm and water damage response, radio communications, operations centre support, search and navigation, scene lighting, first aid, and community engagement.
  • Operational Support Members – provide essential support roles including first aid , general welfare to volunteers, community engagement , incident management support, communications support and administrative tasks.

Want to learn more about the ACTSES? Click here.


2026 Recruitment

Please register your interest in our next recruitment by entering your details here -


Profile photo of SES volunteer Terry with a pull quote from his story.

Click this link to read Terry’s story.

Volunteering with the ACTSES

Being a member of the ACTSES is a significant and rewarding commitment.

As a volunteer with the ACTSES, you can expect to:

  • Assist all members of our community, embracing diversity and inclusion.
  • Be ready to help at any time, day or night.
  • Embrace the elements – you might get dirty, tired, wet, hot, or cold, sometimes all at once!
  • Work as part of a dedicated team, relying on each other’s strengths.
  • Engage in critical thinking and problem-solving to tackle diverse challenges.

Service values 

The ACTSES is part of the ACT Public Service, and as such its volunteers demonstrate the values of:

  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
Initial Commitments

The initial training undertaken by ACTSES volunteers is a significant commitment which involves a combination of face to face and online training, a fitness test, and visits with the Units.’


Ongoing Commitments

It is acknowledged and understood that volunteers’ main priorities are family and work. On average, an ACTSES volunteer spends five hours a week ‘in orange’. Below is an indication of minimum attendance requirements:

Category Indicative Minimum Attendance Requirements
Operational Member An operational member must attend a minimum of six training/community education/operational activities per six-month period.
Unit Support Officer  No minimum attendance requirements.
Junior Member A junior member must attend a minimum of six training/community education/operational activities per six-month period.

All ACTSES members attend training on a weekly basis. In addition to these scheduled training commitments, volunteers are required to maintain the currency of their skills by attending community events and operations related to their position within the Service.

Both Field Operations and Operations Support members respond to callouts within their communities, across the ACT, and sometimes inter-state as needed.


The rewards are many – learning new skills, keeping fit, gaining valuable qualifications, earning respect within the community, having fun, and being active as part of a dedicated team. Additionally, you can also gain:

  • A great sense of achievement,
  • Many unique and interesting experiences and opportunities,
  • Nationally accredited training,
  • The opportunity to meet likeminded people and make lifelong friends,
  • The opportunity to make a difference in your community, and
  • The opportunity to receive formal recognition including ACTSES, ACT Government and national honours and awards.
Training Opportunities

Members of the ACTSES deliver a broad range of capabilities to the community.

Training is comprehensive and is aligned to national units of competency, mostly from the Public Safety Training Package. Training and assessment are provided by subject matter experts and nationally qualified trainers and assessors, many of whom are ACTSES volunteers.

Training Opportunities Unit of Competency Unit Name
Core Skills PUACOM001 Communicate in the workplace
Core Skills PUACOM002 Provide services to clients
Core Skills PUAWHS001 Follow defined work, health and safety policies and procedures
Core Skills PUATEA001 Work in a team
Core Skills PUATEA004 Work effectively in a public safety organisation
Core Skills PUAOPE013 Operate communications systems and equipment
Asbestos Awareness 11084NAT Course in asbestos awareness
First Aid HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
First Aid HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
First Aid HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Bushfire Awareness 22541VIC Course in Basic Wildfire Awareness
AIIMS Awareness 22611VIC Course in Awareness of the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS)
Storm and Water Damage Operator PUASES008 Undertake storm and water damage operations
Storm and Water Damage Operator PUASES013 Undertake storm and water damage operations performed at heights
Storm and Water Damage Operator PUAEQU001 Prepare, maintain and test response equipment
Storm and Water Damage Operator PUAWHS002 Maintain safety at an incident scene
Land Search Rescue PUASAR027 Undertake land search rescue
Land Search Rescue PUALAW001 Protect and preserve incident scene
Team Leader PUAOPE015 Conduct briefings and debriefings
Team Leader PUAOPE012 Control a Level 1 Incident
Navigation PUAOPE014 Navigate to an incident
Service Driver PUAVEH001 Drive vehicles under operational conditions
4WD Operator TLIC0023 Operate four-wheel drive vehicle
Chainsaw Operator FWPCOT2273 Trim and cut felled trees 
Chainsaw Operator FWPCOT3347 Fell trees manually (intermediate)
Chainsaw Operator FWPCOT3348 Fell trees manually (advanced)
Incident Management PUAOPE018 Control a Level 2 incident
Incident Management PUAOPE023 Manage operations for a Level 2 incident
Incident Management PUAFIR502 Develop incident control strategies
Incident Management PUAOPE025 Manage planning for a complex incident
Incident Management PUAOPE022 Manage logistics for a complex Incident
Incident Management 22612VIC Course in the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS)
Aviation PUAFIR217 Work safely around aircraft
Aviation PUAFIR003 Manage aviation support operations at air base
Aviation Internal Qualification Aviation radio operator
Aviation Internal Qualification Air base manager
Aviation Internal Qualification Staging area operations
Service Boat Operator Internal Qualification General boat license



Compliance Requirements

  • The ACT Working with Vulnerable People card application can take up to 21 days to process. Therefore, prospective members are advised to apply for this card as early as possible.
  • A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is required to obtain qualifications completed through the ACTSES. If you do not have a USI you can apply for one through the following link:
  • A National Police Check is required.

Age Requirements

ACTSES accepts members from the age of 16 (with parental consent) and from 18 for general membership.

Junior members will always be always supervised by at least two qualified adults. All members of ACTSES are required to hold a current and valid WWVP card. Participation of junior members is under the discretion of the responsible Unit Commander, and may be withdrawn at any time

Health Requirements

As part of the application process prospective members must provide a medical report from their medical practitioner clearing them to undertake physical activities. A copy of the medical clearance will be provided 0to applicants. As part of the application process prospective members must provide a medical report from their medical practitioner clearing them to undertake physical activities. A copy of the medical clearance will be provided 0to applicants.

Fitness Requirements

A reasonable degree of fitness is required for most roles, although ACTSES welcomes membership enquiries from people with a range of abilities.

Role Role Description Level Requirements
Operational Support Minimum requirement for Community Education, Peer Support Officers, Unit Support Officers None/Light 1.6km in under 16 minutes
Field Operator Minimum requirement for Operational Members Moderate 3.2km carrying 11kg in under 30 minutes