ADVICE: Severe Heatwave – ACT – Stay Informed

A severe heatwave is continuing for parts of the ACT from Thursday (07-12) until Saturday (09-12).

A heatwave is when the maximum and minimum temperatures are unusually hot over a 3-day period. Maximum temperatures of up to 36 degrees are forecast for parts of the ACT.

Residents should prepare now to survive the heat. Be aware of the risk of heat-related illness and plan ahead to keep yourself and others safe.

• Heat can make anyone sick.
• People over 65 years old, the very young, those with a pre-existing medical condition and those that work outside are most at risk.
• Heat-related illness can range from mild conditions, such as a rash or cramps to heatstroke - which is life-threatening.
What to do: 
If you are in the ACT, the ACT Ambulance Service advises:

• Drink water: Always take a bottle with you.
• Hot cars kill: Never leave kids, adults or pets in cars. The temperature inside a parked car can double within minutes.
• Keep cool: Seek out air-conditioned buildings, use a fan, take cool showers, and dress in light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics.
• Plan ahead: Schedule activities in the coolest part of the day and avoid exercising in the heat. If you must go out, wear a hat and sunscreen and take a bottle of water with you.
• Know the symptoms of heat-related illness and visit your GP or a Walk-in Centre if you or someone around you is unwell.
• Help others: Look after those most at risk in the heat - your friends and family or your neighbour living alone, the elderly, the young, people with a medical condition and don’t forget your pets.
Where to for more information
• Check the ACT Emergency Services Agency website (  
• View the latest health advice (
• View the EvoEnergy power outages map (
• Listen to ABC Local Radio on 666 AM  
• Contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81

In a life-threatening emergency call Triple-Zero (000).