Stay Cool, Look After Yourself and Look Out For Others

The ACT Ambulance Service reminds Canberrans to "Stay Cool, Look After Yourself and Look Out For Others."

-Spending long periods of time in the sun without taking the proper precautions can lead to heat stress.
-It's important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks, as they can further dehydrate you.
-Remember to protect yourself from the sun. Wear a hat as well as loose, long-sleeved shirts and loose-fitting trousers wherever possible
-Most importantly, stay in touch with your elderly and frail relatives and neighbours, and pay special attention to the health needs of babies and young children who can be adversely affected by the heat.
-Under no circumstances should children or pets be left in cars. The temperature inside a vehicle can and will rise to dangerously high levels in a very short period of time.
-Symptoms of heat stress can include headaches, dizziness, nausea and even muscle or abdominal cramps.
-If you suspect that you or someone you know may be suffering serious heat stress, do not hesitate to call Emergency Triple-Zero (000).
-For more information on preventing heat-related illnesses at outdoor events and schools, visit: